Posted by: mrsjoyce | March 28, 2012

Vincent Van Gogh

Extra Credit…. Read and write a summary 5 points

Posted by: mrsjoyce | March 8, 2012

Extra Credit!!!

Since we are studying France, tell me what contributions Marquis de Lafayette played in the American Revolution.  Also, what gift did France give to America?

Posted by: mrsjoyce | February 23, 2012

Extra Credit

What’s going on in Greece these days?

 I received BREAKING NEWS from Greece this week.  If anyone can give me a summary of what’s going on I’ll give you 10 extra credit points.

Posted by: mrsjoyce | February 21, 2012

Progress Reports

Make sure you check your grade portal to see what assignments you are missing. Progress reports are going home Friday 2.24.12.  Also, I rescheduled the chapter 11 test for tomorrow. We are reviewing in class today. This test will not be graded in time to reflect progress reports.

Don’t forget to work on your black history project.


Posted by: mrsjoyce | February 16, 2012

Chapter 11 Southern Europe Test

All classwork and assignments for sections 1-4 should already be turned into me.  We will take the Test on Friday 2/16/12.

STUDY!!! 🙂

Posted by: mrsjoyce | February 10, 2012

Here is the sum…

Here is the summary outline for Chapter 11.3 Italy.  Due Monday Feb. 13, 2012

I. Topic and Main Idea

II. History

      1. Roman Empire

      2. Reinassance

      3. Government

III. Culture

     1. Religion

     2. Food

     3. The Arts

     4. Italy Today

IV. Conclusion

      1. Make connections to the text in the section.

            a. What did you learn.

            b. What did you find interesting.

Posted by: mrsjoyce | February 10, 2012

We are almost d…

We are almost done with our Chapter on Southern Europe.  Make sure you are reviewing the physical features of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece.  Also, you should be able to recognize the achievements and contributions of Ancient Greece and Rome.  Next week we will start the section on Spain and Portugal. 

Have a great weekend, Adios 🙂

Mrs. Joyce

P.S. For those of you that are still working on the Summary of Italy make sure you are using the outline I provided in class.

Posted by: mrsjoyce | January 25, 2012

Southern Europe…


Southern Europe is an awesome place to visit and learn about.  Students make sure you have completed the following work for this week.

1. Map Questions p. 225-229 please make sure you complete all questions for each map.

2. Graphic Organizer   Southern Europe  1. Spain and Portugal 2. Italy 3. Greece  

Also, don’t forget about the Travel Agent Project that is due next Friday.



Posted by: mrsjoyce | December 20, 2011

It’s a different world…..

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever found on or in your couch? A pen? A quarter? Free Cheetos? This lady from New Zealand may have you beat!

Click the link to see the report.



Posted by: mrsjoyce | December 16, 2011

Happy Friday!!!

Merry Christmas….

We have a Chapter Test today and then class celebration.  You guys did an awesome job on the review.  I am looking forward to some awesome scores.

Enjoy the break and don’t forget to check the blog often over the christmas break.




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